The spines of several colorful books on design and business topics.



Don Norman

Have you ever felt stupid trying to open a door the wrong way? Norman's basic argument is that if the user feels stupid, the product is poorly designed. An older book, but well worth the time.


Jake Knapp

A step by step guide to design sprints, this book dives into how we define problems, generate ideas, and rapidly test them.


Alexandra Loske

Loske provides a fascinating look at the wide range of color theories that have shaped our understanding and use of color throughout history. The book itself is gorgeous and contains beautiful images of both scientific and artistic explorations of color.


Tim Brown

Written by the CEO of IDEO, this book breaks down the ideas and processes that make up design thinking. "The mission of design thinking is to translate observations into insights and insights into products and services that will improve lives." (55)


Ray Dalio

Dalio lays out the principles that guide his career and personal life in a straightforward, actionable way. One that's stuck with me: "Create a culture in which it is okay to make mistakes and unacceptable not to learn from them."


John Maeda

Achieving simplicity can often feel frustratingly complex. Maeda offers ten practical laws for understanding and achieving meaningful simplicity in design and business.

White book cover with black text and a patterned circle


Kat Holmes

Holmes provides concise insights into the cycles of exclusion that are too often present in our design work, and discusses the importance of making inclusive design an intentional and foundational part of our work.

White book cover with black text and a patterned circle


Adam Connor & Aaron Irizarry

When done well, design critiques provide helpful, specific feedback that improves the effectiveness of the design in achieving its goals. This book has lots of practical guidelines and actionable tips.



This podcast from InVision lets you inside the minds of industry leaders from top companies like Pinterest, Amazon, and Airbnb. They discuss everything from career changes and life lessons, to building design teams and working across organizations.

A favorite - Joshua Seiden: Measuring Work and Rethinking Goal Setting


This is without question one of my favorite podcasts. Every episode tells the story of the unnoticed things that shape our world - a piece of technology that we take for granted, an everyday object that we never give any thought, or a page of history that's been overlooked.

A favorite - Ubiquitous Icons: Peace, Power, and Happiness


Each episode is a conversation between designers and friends Charli and Femke. You feel like you're sitting right there with them as they nerd out about design and discuss the daily ups and downs that all designers face.

A favorite - Making Design Decisions


This is a laid back, conversational podcast from brothers Ali and Taimur about "happiness, creativity, and the human condition." They chat about life, productivity, mental models, work, learning, and a ton of other interesting topics and questions.

A favorite - Guitars, WeWork, and the Curse of Knowledge


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